Coop Agrobio

The Agribio Coop is a Quebec-based cooperative regrouping 140 organic producers of grains, legumes, flours and oil.

Their story:

Founded in 2007 by a passionate and determined group, the Coop Agrobio du Québec now brings together more than 120 members spread across all regions of Quebec. 

Their producer members total an area of ​​more than 25,000 hectares in organic field crops. Driven by their desire to advance organic farming, they cultivate their know-how together.

La Coop Agrobio supports the development and fair marketing of its members’ products. By pooling its members’ production volumes and disseminating information on the fair and equitable price of products, the cooperative collaborates in the development of local agricultural businesses with a view to prosperity.

"It’s always a challenge to bring a collective vision to a group of individual companies, but when you see the result, it’s a huge pleasure!"

Thomas Vinet, Les Fermes Bio-Net

You want to know more?

Coop Agrobio du Québec Bromont, QC

(450) 917-2476

Visit their website:

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